the best recipes are hand written, fact. i also washed the last copy of a 10 year old workout plan (thanks to amanda for finding the newer modified version so i didn’t cry). i also recently found this ring my sister and i bought (yes, together, we had to pool our money to get it) back when i was approximately 10 years old … my favorite moving find.
Jun 03, 2010 | Categories: home, miscellaneous | Comments Off
Jun 02, 2010 | Categories: home, niecephews | Comments Off
a trip to the local driving range for a mini lesson from pops. turns out i'm best with an iron and even then, mostly i hit air. baby steps ...
May 31, 2010 | Categories: home | 1 Comment »
we took a trip back to sicilia by eating cheese from the market in catania, olive oil from rosa's farm and drinking, of course ... some nero d'avola. the food was amazing, as was the company. ridiculously good time.
May 28, 2010 | Categories: home, travel | Comments Off
got to catch both jack and charlie play baseball at my grade school alma mater - at the same time, no doubt. then had a sangria night with heather and her almost one-year-olds (well, they didn't have any sangria, of course).
May 27, 2010 | Categories: home, niecephews | Comments Off
two great old friends in one day - now that is what i call awesome. i said it before but it bears repeating ... i love watching the girl who used to talk for me in nursery school as a mom. not only does her daughter make me feel like the six year old version of myself, but she and →
May 26, 2010 | Categories: boston, home | Comments Off
on the way to breakfast, my dad helped a snapping turtle cross the road. i've never seen a turtle this big. he could have easily taken off one of dad's fingers ... but thankfully we had an old canvas snoopy bag to use as protection. later, dinner with amanda and kathy - and ridiculously good white ginger cosmos. yum.
May 25, 2010 | Categories: home | Comments Off
it is also the same guitar that charlie played on lost. and the same brand that melissa etheridge and kaki king use. i will do it zero justice, but will fiddle around with it while home. oh, and a pic of my favorite coffee shop - a regular reading/writing hangout.
May 23, 2010 | Categories: home, miscellaneous, muzak | Comments Off
order from the car doctors to drive 140ish miles on my new-used catalytic converter before coming back to get a sticker, so i took a mini road trip right over the border to vermont. then, i joined amanda, lynner and kathy (and kids, of course) at one of the last few drive-ins in massachusetts.
May 22, 2010 | Categories: home, niecephews | Comments Off
most likely, the lack of cavities is due to the fact that i've got a mouth full of metal already - but hey, i'll take it. finding a dentist under my new health insurance was quite a trip. the closest 10 dentists were all in this office - in the mall.
something about sitting in the "waiting room" while staring out →
May 21, 2010 | Categories: home, miscellaneous | Comments Off