is there a doctor in the house?
um, yes there is. and her name is doctor sam. super fun evening catching up with west siders and providence peops to celebrate mrs. o'connell's newly minted PhD in psychology (sam, can you spell that backwards?). i would like to give a special shout out to those who rock down to ... ely avenue (as well as those who rocked →
nursery school erin and dr. o’connell
two great old friends in one day - now that is what i call awesome. i said it before but it bears repeating ... i love watching the girl who used to talk for me in nursery school as a mom. not only does her daughter make me feel like the six year old version of myself, but she and →
hobbling over cobblestones
limping around boston on one good ankle ... worth it. i got to see ronnie, david, d$, and the newly engaged salsman (and his awesome fiancee') - all in one day.
knight in shining … jeep
dwight saved me from limping four miles back into the city (that's what happens when you are not prepared to sprain your ankle while running) ... then we had some major catching up to do, so dark n' stormies were in order:
baby swan
my sharona is having a baby ... and is as adorable as ever: